First Spring Outfit

19 April 2015

It has been a few weeks since I last posted as I have been finding it hard to find the time to write posts and take photos lately as I am starting my GCSE's in 2 weeks (not excited). Anyway, I thought I would share my first outfit this year where I have gone out for the day without a jacket!

Top - Topshop
Trousers - All Saints
Bag - Michael Kors

Me and a friend went to Newcastle for lunch and I was very happy about the fact it was sunny as it is an instant mood changer! This top if from last season but it is one of my favourite spring shirts and I was excited to wear it again. I have recently just purchased the stilt/black coated jeans from All Saints after having my eye on them for a while. I am so happy with them! I am kind of obsessed with wearing black and white at the moment, but I feel like I really should start wearing some colour soon; especially as summer is approaching.

Only a little fashion post today but I hope you enjoyed it!
Thank you for stopping by
Georgia May x

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